About Tables
In HTML, tables consist of rows and columns of cells. For example, a simple table may consist of 4 rows and 4 columns, giving 16 cells. However, cells can be combined either horizontally or vertically to create quite intricate table structures. Tables also have not so obvious features such as a header, body, footer and captions. Tables can be nested!
By default, table cells expand to accommodate their content. The only styling comes from the table markup: header cells (
) have centred text while data cells (
) have left aligned text. However, Joomla provides a range of table styles via Bootstrap.
Table usage should be reserved for strictly tabular data, such as a Timetable or a Calendar, where it is important to maintain the row and column structure. Tables should not be used for layout, such as placement of images or text side by side.
For more information see these articles:
Insert a Table
To get started with a table:
- Open the article you wish to edit.
- Place the cursor on a blank line where the table is to appear.
- Select the More (
) button in the editor toolbar to see all of the editor tools. - Select the Table icon / Table item.
- Move the cursor to define the number of rows and columns. The keyboard arrows work for this too.
- Click to select or use the Enter key.
- Fill in the table cells.
The following screenshot shows some data for a conference programme:

Format the Table
The TinyMCE editor is not a Joomla-specific editor and it adds in-line styles to each table cell. It is best to remove these styles and use Bootstrap styles instead.
- Select the Source code (\<>) icon from the editor toolbar.
- In the Source code popup dialog, scroll down to the table.
- Remove all of the style statements and the border="1" statement.
- Select OK. Then Save the article.
Before removing the inline styles the table looks like this:
To add Bootstrap styles:
- Select the Source code icon again.
- Add class="table" to the table tag: .
- In the next two rows add opening and closing thead tags and move the first tr set to between these tags.
- In the thead set change the opening and closing td tags to th tags,
- In each opening th tag add scope="col": .
It should now look like this:
Select OK to save the changes and then Save the article. The table has no styling in the edit form so have a look at it in the Site page. It should look like this:

You can add more styles to the table if you wish:
- Stripe effect:
- Bordered:
- Responsive: - table scrolls left/right on small screens.
See the Bootstrap documentation for more options.
Modify a Table
- Open the Article for editing.
- Locate the table you wish to modify and select a cell.
- A small popup menu appears with icons to insert or delete rows or columns as illustrated below:

- To insert a new row: Select a cell in a row above or below where you wish to insert a new row. Then, select the Insert row before icon or Insert row after icon.
- To delete a row: Select a cell in the row you wish to delete. Then select the Delete row icon.
- To insert a new column: Select a cell in a column adjacent to where you wish to create a new column. Then select the Insert column before or Insert column after icon.
- To delete a column: select a cell in the column you wish to delete. Then select the Delete column icon.
- To merge a range of cells: Select and highlight the range of cells you wish to merge. This can be done vertically or horizontally with click and drag or via the keyboard. Then, from the Editor's Table drop-down list, select the Cell > Merge Cells icon.
- To split merged cells: select a previously merged cell. Then from the Editor's Table drop-down list, select the Cell > Split cell icon. Note: When a cell is split it will return to the format it was in before being merged. For example: a merged cell spanning 3 columns will return to 3 cells when split.