The Multilingual Associations Component is a tool that allows editing of associated items side-by-side without the need to go back and forth.
This screen is used to set up an Association between an item and installed site languages.
How to Access
- Components → Multilingual Associations
- select Item Type.
- select Language.
Column Headers
- Status. The published status of the menu item.
- Title. The title of the menu item. Edit the menu item by clicking on the Title.
- Language. Menu items language.
- Associations. Shows which language this menu item is associated.
- Not Associated. Shows for which languages this menu item is not associated.
- Menu. Shows which menu the menu item belongs to.
- Access. The viewing Access Level for this menu item.
- ID. A unique identification number for this menu item, you cannot change this number.
List Filters
Search bar. Near the top of the page you will see the search bar shown in the Screenshot above.
- Search by Text. Enter part of the search term and click the Search icon. Hover to see a Tooltip indicating which fields will be searched.To 'Search by ID' enter "id:x", where "x" is the ID number (for example, "id:19").
- Filter Options. Click to display the additional filters.
- Clear. Click to clear the Filter field and restore the list to its unfiltered state.
- Ordering. Shows the current list ordering field. 2 ways to change
the order:
- Select from the dropdown list. Ordering may be in ascending or descending order.
- Click a column heading. The column heading toggles between ascending and descending order.
- Number to Display. Shows the number of menu items in a list. Select from the dropdown list to change the number displayed.The default for a site is '20' but this may be changed in the Global Configuration.
Filter Options
Near the top of the page you will see the filter bar shown in the Screenshot above.
- Select Status. Select from Trashed / Unpublished / Published / Archived / All.
- Select Category. Select from the list of available categories.
- Select Menu. Select from the list of available menus.
- Select Access. Select from the list of available viewing access levels.
- Select Max Levels. Select from the list of available levels.
Page Controls. When the number of menu items is more than one page, you will see a page control bar near the bottom of the page shown in the Screenshot above. The current page number being viewed has a dark colour background.
- Start. Click to go to the first page.
- Prev. Click to go to the previous page.
- Page numbers. Click to go to the desired page.
- Next. Click to go to the next page.
- End. Click to go to the last page.
Prior to selection of an Item Type and Language the toolbar at the top has 4 buttons. The first 2 disappear after selection.
- Delete All Associations. Lets you delete all associations. After a question to confirm, all associations will be deleted.
- Delete Orphans. Lets you delete all orphans.
- Options. Opens the help screen Multilingual Associations: Options.
- Help. Opens this help screen.
Quick Tips
- An menu-item in English can be more easily translated into French with the original and translation side by side. And then select Persian to translate from English to Persian too. Learn more.
- This screen use menu-items as example. You will see all Item Types shown in the Screenshot above.
Related Information
- This Portal brings together information related specifically to Joomla 4.
Related Help Screens | Description |
Multilingual Associations: Options | Default permissions used for all content in the Multilingual Associations Component. |
Multilingual Associations | This screen is used to set up an Association between an item and installed site languages. |
Multilingual Associations: Edit | Used to add or edit associations between languages displayed on a multilingual website. |